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Do You Need A Permit To Remodel A Kitchen In New York? 

Carmine Argano
Written By
Last Updated - September 26th, 2024
kitchen remodeling after permit approval

Among all things home renovation, kitchen remodeling alone accounts for 27 percent of projects. In fact, as a kitchen renovation specialist, I’ve seen firsthand how seriously homeowners take these upgrades. 

And if there’s one question that all of these homeowners have, it is: Do I need a permit for a kitchen remodel? 

Now, a short answer is yes, you will need a permit more often than not. 

However, whether or not do you need a permit to remodel a kitchen will depend on the size and scope of your project. 

For instance, if you’re planning kitchen renovations on Long Island, NY, that involve electrical or plumbing overhaul, you’ll definitely need a kitchen remodel permit. 

Curious when exactly do you need a permit for kitchen remodel and how you can obtain one? 

Read on, as I’ve explained everything along with my own insights as a general contractor on Long Island

Do you need a permit to remodel a kitchen or not? 

kitchen remodel after permit in New York

When it comes to renovating a kitchen, the biggest confusion stems from questions like whether your project requires a kitchen remodel permit. 

You see, while there are remodeling projects that don’t require any permit at all, you do need a permit for others. In fact, proceed with the latter without a permit and you can end up with hefty fines or worse. 

So, yes you do need kitchen renovation permits, but there are exceptions too. 

For instance, the City of New York exempts minor alterations to your kitchen, among other areas of your home, from permit requirements. And this includes anything from painting to plastering to installing new cabinets, and more. 

Nevertheless, any work that involves structural changes to your kitchen and home will need a permit. 

I’ve detailed in the further sections when do you need a permit for kitchen remodel and when you don’t. 

When do you not require a permit for kitchen remodel?

As I said, you don’t need a permit for making minor changes to your kitchen. So, you can go about making cosmetic upgrades like a new paint coat or countertop installation without worrying about violating any New York building code. 

However, these permit-exempted renovations can only be carried out by a licensed contractor. Meaning you can’t DIY these remodels or leave them in the hands of a non-licensed contractor. 

All in all, here’s when you don’t need a permit for kitchen remodel in New York:

1. Painting

I know homeowners who were so confused over permit requirements that they ended up filing applications for things as basic as painting. 

And if you’re someone who’s also been asking yourself ‘do I need permit to remodel kitchen with fresh paint,’ let me confirm that you don’t. 

You see, upgrading your kitchen wall, ceiling, or cabinet with a fresh coat of paint is considered minor alteration. As such, you don’t need any permit for painting your kitchen. 

2. Plastering 

Like painting, you can also refurbish your kitchen walls and ceilings with a new layer of plaster without a permit. That’s because plastering the kitchen surface for painting or wallpapering, filling in cracks or dents etc., is considered a cosmetic upgrade and not full-scale repair. 

3. Installing or replacing cabinets 

I am often asked, ‘do you need a permit to remodel kitchen cabinets?’ 

And this is obvious since installing new kitchen cabinets or replacing old ones might seem to be a major upgrade. 

But rest assured, installing or replacing kitchen cabinets on Long Island, or anywhere else in New York doesn’t need a permit as long as you’re not altering the kitchen structure. 

For instance, if the cabinet installation doesn’t involve working with electrical wiring or plumbing lines, you don’t need to apply for a permit. 

4. Replacing or upgrading fixtures 

Fixture upgrade or replacement involves working with the electrical system and thus the question, do you need a permit to remodel kitchen fixtures?

And the answer is: No, you don’t need a permit for this till it doesn’t involve electrical rewiring. 

5. Flooring remodel

Although it looks like a major upgrade, resurfacing floors is still considered a minor alteration by building regulations in New York. 

So, if you’re planning to replace your kitchen flooring with materials like tile, wood, or laminate flooring on Long Island, among other places, you don’t need a permit.

6. Countertop upgrade          

Lastly, upgrading your kitchen countertop is one such project that you can undertake without a permit. 

After all, upgrading existing countertops or installing new ones don’t involve any structural changes and are thus considered a minor remodel. 

When do you need a permit to remodel a kitchen in New York? 

Major kitchen overhaul after required kitchen renovation permits

Now that you know which kitchen remodeling projects don’t need a permit, you might be curious when do you need a permit for kitchen remodel. 

For starters, you’ll need a kitchen remodel permit for any remodeling work that involves extensive renovations. And this includes renovations that require making changes to the existing plumbing, electrical, and structural systems of your home. 

Also, apart from obtaining a permit, you’ll also need licensed contractors to remodel your kitchen, just like non-permit renovations. 

Overall, here’s when you’ll need a permit for kitchen remodeling in New York:

1. Making structural changes 

For any major kitchen remodeling project that involves making changes to the home’s structural system will need a permit from your local building department. 

Now, when I talk about structural changes, I don’t mean smaller upgrades like replacing kitchen furniture. Instead, these are projects that involve demolishing old walls or building new ones, changing or expanding the kitchen layout, etc., to name a few. ‘

You see, these are projects that have the potential to change the existing load bearing of walls, which in turn, can endanger your home’s structural integrity. And to that end, a permit ensures your project doesn’t pose any safety hazards. 

2. Working on electrical systems 

My clients often ask me, do I need permit to remodel kitchen electrical wiring? 

And if you’re someone who has the same question, the answer is yes you do. 

In fact, any electrical work apart from changing fixtures or replacing kitchen lights will need a permit. 

For instance, let’s say your kitchen remodel requires installing new wires, upgrading electrical panels, or adding outlets. Since all these projects need electrical rewiring, obtaining a permit is essential. 

After all, this is about making sure your project is meeting electrical safety standards. 

3. Plumbing work needs permit too 

Plumbing work involves both water and gas pipes. And any kitchen remodel that requires working with plumbing lines needs a permit. 

For instance, if moving sinks, dishwashers, and other plumbing fixtures is part of your kitchen renovation, you’ll need prior paperwork. And the same goes for adding new water or gas lines. 

Note: You can proceed with ordinary plumbing maintenance or repair such as replacing plumbing or gas pipes without a permit. However, this can only be done by a Licensed Master Plumber. 

4. Upgrading HVAC systems 

Any HVAC system overhaul includes both electrical and mechanical work. For instance, if you’re installing or upgrading ductwork, ventilation, or range hoods, you’ll be working on complex systems. 

As such, a permit from your local DOB is a prerequisite. 

5. Modifying doors and windows

Window and door modifications are trending among small kitchen remodeling enthusiasts. And this induces enlarging windows or creating large new doorways. 

Now, these changes have an impact on your home’s structural systems, making a permit necessary. 

Which kitchen renovation permits do you need in New York? 

By now, I am sure you’ve got a clear idea about when do you need a permit to remodel a kitchen . 

But what permit for kitchen remodel do you exactly need? 

Well, this is where it gets a little complicated since you might need not one but different permits, depending on your remodeling project. 

Take notes as I’ve detailed all the kitchen renovation permits required in New York: 

1. New Building (NB) and Alterations (ALT) 2 or ALT2

A lot of kitchen renovation projects involve adding new areas or moving load bearing walls. Also, these projects require rerouting gas pipes or adding electrical outlets. 

And since this alters the structural system and original electrical and plumbing lines, you’ll need to obtain a New Building (NB) and Alterations (ALT) 2 or ALT2 permit.  

2. DOB permit for exceeding New York city construction codes AC 28-101.5 

As I discussed earlier, you can go ahead with minor plumbing alterations without a permit. And this is something that Section 28-101.5 of the NYC construction codes explains in detail. 

However, if your kitchen plumbing remodel exceeds these exemptions, you need to obtain a permit. Herein, a Registered Design Professional will submit permit documents to the Department of Building detailing design alterations. 

3. Electrical plan review by DOB

For those who are planning an electrical overhaul, you will need to apply for an electrical plan review. And to do so, you should hire a licensed electrical contractor who will apply for this electrical permit. 

Curious about other permits that you might need for kitchen renovation? 

You can go through City of New York’s essential permits and plans page to learn about them all. 

kitchen remodel permit: Frequently asked questions 

kitchen remodel like this requires permit

What is the kitchen remodeling process in New York?

Remodeling a kitchen might sound complicated. But I’ve simplified the entire process in six simple steps: 

Step 1. Get in touch with professionals 

For any major kitchen overhaul you’ll require a licensed professional. That’s because it’s them who apply for permits as well as carry out the renovation. 

So you can start by hiring New York State licensed contractors. 

Step 2. Submit the applications 

Once you’ve planned out the renovation with your contractor’s help, you can go ahead and apply for a permit at the Department of Building. 

Here, you might even have to pay an application fee. For instance, the fee for electrical pan review is $650 as of date. 

Step 3. Get past review and approval 

The Department of Building will review your application and renovation plan. And if it passes their building codes and safety standards, they’ll approve it along with a set of guidelines and project completion timeline. 

Step 4. DOB inspections 

As you proceed with remodeling, inspectors from the Department of Building will visit at different stages to assess whether or not your work is in accordance with approved plans. 

Step 5. Complete the remodeling 

Once your renovation has concluded and passed all inspection stages, you can finally wrap up your project. 

How to obtain a permit for kitchen remodel? 

Before you get a kitchen remodel permit, I suggest you first figure out whether or not your project is exempt from permit requirements. 

And if your project is one that requires a permit, you should get in touch with licensed professionals since they’re the ones who can apply for the permit. 

For instance, if you’re planning a plumbing overhaul, you should hire a NY State Licensed Master Plumber. 

Can you remodel your kitchen without a permit?

If you’re planning cosmetic changes, you can proceed without a permit.  For instance, painting or replacing flooring usually don’t require a permit.

Nevertheless, if you undertake major renovations without obtaining permits, you might end up facing fines, legal consequences, and problems with re-selling your home.

Do you need a permit to remodel your house? 

Yes, you do. 

Like your kitchen, remodeling the overall home will also require a permit. However, minor upgrades like the ones I’ve discussed in above sections are exempted. 

For instance, while you can remodel a mobile home with cosmetic upgrades without a permit, I can’t say the same for new home additions. 


I am sure that by now you know you’ve got the answer to our main question, i.e., whether or not do you need a permit to remodel a kitchen.
In fact, you’d even have acquainted yourself with the ins and outs of permits required for remodeling kitchens, among others, and when you need them. 

Now, if you’re planning for a kitchen or full-home remodeling and wondering how to get New York State licensed professionals, you can get in touch with us

At Creative Design, we’re NY licensed general contractors with four decades plus expertise. And we’ve got all your kitchen remodeling needs covered on a budget. 

Carmine Argano
By Carmine
Founder & CEO

Hello, I am Carmine Argano, a home remodeling specialist with deep roots in Suffolk County, New York. With a passion for all things home renovations, I share my expertise through informative blog posts. I take pride in my hands-on approach which got instilled in me at an early age. Outside of work, I am a family man who thoroughly enjoys working on classic cars. My goal is to help homeowners like you transform your spaces with practical expert advice.

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